siamnovellaadmin's blog

Why the American School of Bangkok is the Top International School in Bangkok

Since the last couple of years, international schools in Bangkok continue to gain widespread significance and popularity. From the rise of overseas franchises, proprietary schools, and traditional foundation schools, there exists a demand for high-quality international schools from both the local and expatriate communities.

If you’re on the lookout for the top international school in Bangkok, The American School of Bangkok is the ideal choice.

Read on to find out why!


Qualities to Look for in an International School in Thailand

Since education plays a huge role in shaping the future of your kids, you have to examine what a school offers before you enroll them. Some of the key features include the teaching methods employed, the length of studies, type of curriculum, and so forth. While websites are an excellent platform to get this information, they are not always comprehensive. 


A Comparison of Fixed and Growth Mindsets

After conducting extensive research, Carol Dweck established that a person’s midst is mainly influenced by their point of view on their personality.

A fixed mindset believes that personality, resourcefulness, and brainpower are constants. Individuals who have this mindset hold that they cannot improve any of the three qualities mentioned above in any significant way. 


4 Important Considerations before Hair Transplantation

With the practice tremendously growing in popularity, hair transplantation is nowadays witnessing what’s best described as ‘widespread acceptance.’ From across-the-street clinics offering the services to tons of ads on social media, the whole thing is practically a norm today. 

But amidst this whole upsurge, not everyone has adequate information about the entire hair transplant surgery thing. They possibly have no idea that as a medical procedure, it has risks, too, and not everyone who goes under the knife gets out successfully. 


Academic Scholarships for International Students in Thailand

It’s not everyone who manages to comfortably meet the huge fees paid at the many international schools in Thailand. For a few parents, Thailand Scholarships for international students always come to their rescue, offsetting a bigger portion of their funds. But not every single parent is aware of the existence of this noble gesture or has even applied for it.

Scholarships are somewhat puzzling to understand


Benefits of Practising Mindfulness

Mindfulness refers to a condition where you focus your thoughts on the present occurrences while letting go of any wandering thoughts without judgement. It is a meditation technique that is effective in alleviating pain, treating sleeplessness, elevating moods, and preventing anxiety, and so on. 

Here are some of the benefits of engaging in mindfulness meditation.

Stress Relief



What sets International schools apart from their national counterparts?

This article would offer you information about the differences between International and National (Mainstream) schooling.

The information is expected to help you make an informed choice about the school to choose for your child.


Tips For Finding A “Family Friendly” International School Teaching Job In Thailand

Each country has its own set of rules especially when it comes to getting work visas. For some countries, it could be something as simple as age, while others have restrictions based on qualifications or some nationalities. Thailand has some of the lenient rules when it comes to obtaining work visas. So, if you are interested in getting a job as an international school teacher in Thailand, go for it.  However, it is important for you to do a thorough research on the international school you will be teaching.


Six basic tips for choosing an international school in Bangkok Thailand

Many upper-class Thai families and expats prefer sending their children to international schools to the public or private Thai schools. International schools follow a curriculum similar to that taught in many western schools and stick to the international standards of education.


Is Cosmetic Surgery In Thailand Affordable?

The world has now become a global village. People now tend to move from place to place – continent to continent more freely, in search of jobs, quality education, a brand new working environment and medical care. So it wouldn’t be a thing of a surprise to meet a well-trained US medical expert working here in Asia, Thailand precisely.



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