A Comparison of Fixed and Growth Mindsets

After conducting extensive research, Carol Dweck established that a person’s midst is mainly influenced by their point of view on their personality.

A fixed mindset believes that personality, resourcefulness, and brainpower are constants. Individuals who have this mindset hold that they cannot improve any of the three qualities mentioned above in any significant way. 

A growth mindset, on the other hand, is always raring to go and does not consider failure as an indicator of stupidity. Instead, it sees it as a catalyst for developing existing abilities. 

These two mindsets, which become apparent during childhood, define the behavior and reaction to success and letdowns in adulthood. More importantly, your mindset impacts your capacity for happiness.

Advantages of a Growth Mindset

Here are the benefits of having a growth mindset over a fixed one. 

Improved Self-esteem

Folks who have a growth mindset are less preoccupied with their flaws. This is because you are confident that you can improve, which translates to an increased sense of self-worth.

Improved Relationships

A fixed mindset causes you to search for an idealistic partner with whom you can have a perfect relationship, which is almost impossible. With a growth mindset, however, you will aid your companion to see their imperfection, correct them, and challenge them to be a better person. This results in healthier and happier relationships.

Reduced Risk of Depression

Individuals with a fixed mindset are at a greater risk of contracting depression because they overthink about the challenges and setbacks they experience. The desire for perfection always causes anxiety, which later develops into depression. Contrarily, a growth mindset enables you to accept challenges and deal with them accordingly.

Improved Resistance to Labels and Stereotypes

In the fixed mindset, both positive and negative labels can affect your mind. If positive, you will be scared to lose it, and if negative, you will think you warrant it. On the contrary, persons with a growth mindset do not get affected by typecasts since they do not see them as eternal qualities. 


Although a growth mindset does not guarantee success, it gives you a more fulfilling life than having a fixed mindset. 

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